September 02, 2010

New Rolex Watchwinders

Last Christmas Rolex released a new watchwinder. Not many people know about it, because there wasn't an official press release. The winder is made by Swiss Kubik. There are two versions of the watchwinder. One is in Rolex green leather and the other one is in Rolex green but in Jubilee style ROLEXROLEXROLEX, which is also used in Rolex latest advertising campaign.

The winders are not programmable and pre-set for optimum Rolex watch winding. However there are some discussions on forums about the optimum watch winding. Some people are saying the winder rotates in a single direction only. This is not what Rolex require for their watches. They require 650 turns per day in both Clockwise & Counter Clockwise directions. A Rolex trained watchmaker said that the fact of the winder rotating in a single direction only is a serious flaw in the winders design. The winding in one direction will cause undue wear on the watch’s winding mechanism. He was shocked to discover this. Maby there are different versions? I would say: A big company like Rolex has not made this winder in collaboration with SwissKubik without doing research, so I have my doubts about these discussions!

I like the winder with the jubilee style more, because you don't see this kind of design very often. I already liked the watchwinder brands Scatola del Tempo and Swiss Kubik. I would choose between these two brands when im planning to buy one. I would say: this watchwinder a must have for the Rolex collector!

Written by: Tobias. S


  1. I have both these and they alternate 20 turns each way 50 times a day after the initial start up of 100 turns each way when you first switch it on.
    the official Rolex instructions that come with it say this is the optimum program for their Watches...

    1. How much do they cost? Any warranty on them?

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